Lisa's Column

How to make amplifier at home Easy

How to make amplifier at home Easy

To make a simple amplifier at home easily, here are the basic steps: You'll need some components like transistors (such as BC547 or 2N3904), resis...

100+ Microcontroller Based Mini Projects Ideas

100+ Microcontroller Based Mini Projects Ideas

Here is a list of 100+ microcontroller-based mini project ideas that you can explore and work on: Robotics Projects: Line follower robot Obstacle ...

Ultrasonic Sensor Review: Comparing DFRobot URM09, HC-SR04, Devantech SRF02 & Maxbotix MB1040

Ultrasonic Sensor Review: Comparing DFRobot URM09, HC-SR04, Devantech SRF02 & Maxbotix MB1040

When comparing ultrasonic sensors such as the DFRobot URM09, HC-SR04, Devantech SRF02, and Maxbotix MB1040, it's crucial to consider several key fa...

Homemade Azure Remote Light

Homemade Azure Remote Light

  1. Create an Azure IoT Hub and register the device See the documentation Get started with Azure IoT Hub for .NET to create an IoT hub. The proces...

Remote Health Monitoring With BLE Capability For COVID-19 Doctors

Remote Health Monitoring With BLE Capability For COVID-19 Doctors

Due to the lack of transport and the non-availability of doctors, a lot of people might not get the right treatment at the right time. This happens...

Raspberry Pi Bluetooth Speaker Audio Streaming System

Raspberry Pi Bluetooth Speaker Audio Streaming System

Making Raspberry Pi Bluetooth Speaker and Streaming audio from mic directly to speakers is difficult when we do not have a Bluetooth mic and a soun...

electronic sound and light sculpture

electronic sound and light sculpture

cwymriad is a ring modulation based sound sculpture which displays the output signal on an 8x16 LED matrix. DETAILS   'cwymriad' is based on a du...

A Small CNC bot

A Small CNC bot

Piccolo is an  opensource project , by Diatom Studio, which allows you to create a small CNC (working area about 5x5cm). I tried to make a copy; th...

Nixie Thermometer - Finished!

Nixie Thermometer - Finished!

Today I got the PCBS for the Nixie thermometer from PCBHERO: Here are the two sides of a PCB in detail: I started the assembly by soldering the c...

ESP32 lights

ESP32 lights

The project I am presenting to you today, ESP32lights , is a smart lighting control unit  based on the esp32 chip. Through ESP32lights it is possi...