The V groove PCB results after the splitting of circuit boards. This requires the cutting of the circuit board, and leaving a little material to help hold these boards. The final stages involved in the production is profiling the v groove pcb and cutting them from the manufacturing panel. This is either done by routing or v-cut scoring. There are some rules to adhere to when manufacturing V Groove PCB.
Rules When Manufacturing V Groove PCB
Ensure that the board’s spacing is 0mm
The spacing found between the outline and V-scoring line stays at 0.35mm
The line for V-scoring has to be straight. Also, it must be a horizontal and vertical line.
The minimum size of the v groove PCB should be 75 x 75 mm, while the maximum size of the v groove PCB should be 450 x 1245 mm.
Breakaway Tab PCB: Panelization Methods
There are multiple methods for Panelization of breakaway tab pcbs. Each of these comes with their own benefits and drawbacks. The board’s design present on the panel, as well as the panel, usually plays a big role in whatever method of Panelization will suit the application best. Let’s consider these factors.
Components: The importance of the component utilized on the board is just the same as its placement. Connectors and components that are sensitive may play a huge role in the most effective Panelization and breakout method.
Design: The board’s design plays the most significant role when determining the best method for Panelization. The clearance amount between the board’s edge and the components may make some of the methods less appropriate compared to the others.
Materials: Materials utilized in mouse bites PCB may end up limiting the Panelization method type that is best. This is because some of the materials can splinter easily during the breakaway process. Another factor is the thickness of the board. Particularly, all thin boards have a higher chance of breaking while assembly is on. Thick boards on the other hand, may give more problems during this breaking out as well.
These factors explained ab