Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-Z
The movement of the head of a component placement machine in the vertical place for parts orientation and insertion.
Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-Y
The ratio of usable parts at the end of a manufacturing process to the number of components submitted for processing.
Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-W
Capillary absorption of liquid along the fibres of the base material.
A needle-shaped metallic growth on a printed circuit board.
Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-V
Voltage Plane
A conductor or portion of a conductor layer on or in a printed board which is maintained at other than ground potential. It can also ...
Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-U
Unsupported Hold
A hole containing no conductive material nor any other type of reinforcement.
Underwriters’ Symbol
A logotype authorized for place...
Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-T
The deformation of a rectangular sheet, panel or printed board, that occurs parallel to a diagonal across its surface in such a way that one ...
Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-S
Swaged Lead
A component lead wire that extends through a hole in a printed board and its lead extension is flattened(swaged)to secure the component...
Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-R
A hard, natural resin (nowadays also synthetic),consisting of abietic and primaric acids and their isomers, some fatty acids and terpene hyd...
Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-P
Printed Wiring Board; same as PCB.
Pull Strength
See Bond Strength.
Plated through-holes. Plating the holes on their internal wall.
Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-O
Increase in printed circuit conductor width caused by plating build-up or by undercutting during etching.
The increase in conduc...
Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-N
Non plated though-hole.
A condition whereby a surface has contacted molten solder, but has had none of the solder adhere to it.
Printed Circuit Boards Glossary:Design,Fabrication and Assembly-M
Multiple-image Production Master
A production master used in the process of making two or more printed boars simultaneously.
A portable ...