How to clean printed circuit boards?

Cleaning circuit boards, also known as circuit board cleaning agent, refers to the chemical industrial cleaning agent used to clean the residual soldering flux and rosin on the surface of PCB circuit boards after welding.

How does a circuit board get dirty?

In daily use, printed circuit boards in electronic products will be exposed to various pollutants, leading to speed and performance issues. There are two main reasons why printed circuit boards become dirty. Firstly, gaps in devices, equipment, or machines may allow dirt and dust to enter. Secondly, large appliances such as computers and cars have cooling fans that can suck dirt, dust, and other types of debris into the machine. Thirdly, the wax used to coat certain components will melt during high-temperature operations, becoming a magnet for dust and dirt. Identifying the types of pollutants and using the correct cleaning methods can help alleviate this problem.


Why do we need to clean printed circuit boards?

Printed circuit boards are an indispensable part of the efficient performance of our electronic products. Therefore, if there is dirt and dust accumulation on these circuit boards, your electronic equipment, equipment, or machine is likely to malfunction.


For example, if your computer motherboard has a large amount of dirt and dust, it may start to slow down or overheat. Therefore, cleaning the motherboard not only helps to remove dirt but also improves the performance of the computer.


Secondly, dust, dirt, moisture, and dirt can cause PCB corrosion, ultimately shortening the lifespan of the machine. Therefore, regular cleaning of polychlorinated biphenyls will help prevent this corrosion and prevent premature damage.


Methods for cleaning printed circuit boards

Various PCB cleaning methods can be used to remove dirt, dust, and dirt from electronic products. The method you will use will depend on the type of pollutant and the type of board.


1. Compressed air

Compressed is an effective PCB cleaner that can remove dust and dirt from printed circuit boards. When using compressed air to clean printed circuit boards, make sure to first turn off the device and unplug all cables. Spraying compressed air onto plugged-in or powered-on equipment may cause permanent damage. You may also be electrocuted during this process. Once you have turned off the device and unplugged all cables, you should continue to spray compressed air through the vents. If there is a thick layer of dust, you should turn on your device and spray compressed air directly onto the circuit board. Short-term injection of compressed air can remove residual dirt and make the PCB look clean. The duration of spraying will depend on the amount of dirt and dust present on the circuit board.


2. Soda water

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a powerful PCB cleaning solution that can remove dirt and corrosion while minimizing the risk of damage to circuit boards. Baking soda has mild abrasiveness and alkaline characteristics, which help remove corrosion residues that cannot be removed by regular brushes. It will dissolve the residue while neutralizing acidic corrosive agents. Just like using compressed air, you should first separate the device from all cables. In addition, please ensure that all chips that may have been inserted into the board are removed before cleaning. After disassembling all the cables and chips, you should mix baking soda with water and stir until you have a flowing paste. Then, you should gently apply the paste to all corroded areas of the circuit board with a cotton swab. Place the paste on the circuit board for approximately 24 hours. After 24 hours, you should wipe off the baking soda paste with isopropanol.


3. Distilled water

Unlike other circuit board cleaners such as baking soda and isopropanol, distilled water does not contain ions. Therefore, when you use it to clean circuit boards, it will not damage or reduce the performance of your electronic devices. It should be noted that distilled water is quickly and easily contaminated by dirt, making it useless. Therefore, whenever not in use, it is important to ensure that it is properly sealed to minimize pollution.


4. Ultrasonic PCB cleaning

Ultrasonic PCB cleaning can be said to be one of the most effective methods for removing dirt, dust, solder paste, and flux that may remain on circuit boards. In short, this PCB cleaning method can remove almost any form of dirt and dirt, including stubborn residues. And during the cleaning process, the ultrasonic cleaner will not even damage the delicate wooden boards.


When the printed circuit board is immersed in a PCB ultrasonic cleaner, the cleaning process will begin immediately after the liquid comes into contact with the circuit board. Because the fact that the cleaning solution can even reach the smallest cavities and gaps, it can remove all dirt that cannot be manually removed.


Printed circuit board cleaning is a necessary step in the production process. This is because, during the manufacturing process of circuit boards, some chemicals, solvents, and other processes are used, which may remain on the surface or inside of the circuit board. These residues may cause unstable performance of the circuit board, such as short circuits, leakage, electrical adhesion, and other issues, thereby affecting the overall quality. At the same time, the cleaning of the circuit board can also remove impurities such as dust, dirt, and oil stains on the surface of the circuit board, making the welding effect of the circuit board better and improving the reliability and stability of the circuit board.