Reasons for Using FR-4 for High Tg PCBs

Reasons for Using FR-4 for High Tg PCBs

FR-4 is used to make High Tg PCBs because of its properties. Let’s look at them in detail.

FR-4 Substrate(Green, Blank, White, Yellow)
  • Excellent Electrical Performance

Not only the mechanical properties of FR-4, but the electrical performance is also phenomenal. It offers optimum performance at high temperatures.

  • High Temperatures Resistance

High Tg FR-4 can withstand higher temperatures, which is the most important reason for using it for High Tg PCBs. It can retain its shape at high temperatures, even over 200˚C or higher.

The FR-4 PCBs can be made in a wide range of Tg. There can be low (130-140˚C), medium (150˚C<Tg<170˚C), or high Tg (over 170˚C) PCBs. The high Tg PCBs can be used in environments having high temperatures and thermal stress.

  • Ideal for Through Hole Components

It is easier to make plated through holes(PTH) in an FR-4 PCB than a metallic PCB. It has better reliability of plated through holes so that the holes components can be used in the assembly with no hassle.

  • Impedance Control

FR-4 offers better impedance control. If the PCB requires strict impedance control, it is the ideal material.

  • Durability and Long Life

FR-4 is a durable material and can work for a long time, even in harsh conditions. It can withstand wear and tear and high-temperature stress. It is also shockproof. Therefore, its shape and components remain intact.

  • Low Cost

Cost is also an important factor in using FR-4. It is much cheaper than metals, and an excellent high Tg PCB can be prepared cheaply.