What are the main factors that affect pcb impedance ?

The main factors that affect PCB impedance include:

  1. Line width: Changes in line width will directly affect the impedance value. Wider lines generally lead to lower impedance.
  2. Line spacing: The distance between adjacent conductors also has an impact on impedance.
  3. Copper foil thickness: Altering the copper foil thickness will cause changes in impedance.
  4. Dielectric constant: The dielectric constant of the PCB material is one of the key factors. Different materials have different dielectric constants, thus affecting impedance.
  5. Transmission line length: Changes in length may have a certain influence on impedance.
  6. Signal frequency: As the signal frequency increases, the impedance characteristics may also change.
  7. Reference plane: The integrity and continuity of the reference plane play an important role in impedance.
  8. Via: The presence of vias can change the local impedance to some extent.
  9. Etching process: The uniformity of etching will affect the actual line width and thus the impedance.
  10. Solder mask: Its thickness and dielectric constant may also have a slight impact on impedance.