Airbus flight instruments 101.
Here’s the PFD (Primary Flight Display) of the Airbus A350, flying a visual approach with a 40 knot crosswind.(in the simulator) Practicing Visual Circuits in Crosswinds.
On the PFD, the small central black and yellow square depicts the nose of the aircraft sitting 3° above the horizon. The green circle with wings is known as the Flight Path Vector (or The Bird) it depicts our descent angle of 3° below the horizon, this is sitting below a blue line which is our selected track of 270° to align with the runway, also shown below as a blue triangle. A 3° descent at a speed of 140 knots gives us a vertical speed, or rate of descent of 800 feet per minute. As we pass below an altitude of 300 feet (elevation relative to a sea level pressure of 1013 millibars, the radio altitude shows 200 feet above the ground.