Impacts of Inter-Layer Impedance Mutation on Signal Transmission in Multi-Layer Stack Design

When there is an impedance mutation of the inter-layer connection in the design of a multi-layer stack, it will have the following series of impacts on signal transmission:

1.Signal reflection: It will cause part of the signal energy to be reflected back, resulting in distortion and deformation of the signal.
2.Signal attenuation: The loss of reflected energy will cause the signal strength to weaken.

3.Ringing phenomenon: It may cause undesired oscillation and fluctuation of the signal.

4.Eye diagram deterioration: It makes the eye opening degree smaller and affects the discriminability and quality of the signal.

5.Increased bit error rate: Reducing the accuracy of the signal, thereby leading to an increase in transmission errors.

6.Change in transmission delay: It may change the transmission time of the signal and affect the timing synchronization of the system.

7.Electromagnetic compatibility issues: It may trigger additional electromagnetic radiation or be more sensitive to external electromagnetic interference.

8.System instability: In severe cases, it may lead to a decrease in the overall system performance and unstable operation.