How to Control RGB LED Wirelessly using ESP8266 ESP01

Hardware Required

You will require the following hardware to make RGB LED. Component Value Qty
1. WiFi module ESP-01  1
2. LED 1W RGB 1
3. Resistance 10Ω 1
4. 3.3v  (or any 3.3v voltage source) ASM1117 1
5. USB to TTL converter (for programming esp-01) 1
6. Momentary push button (optional) 1
7. Android / Apple / Windows  Phone or any WiFi enabled Laptop / Desktop (to control RGB LED)
8. Jumper wires and a breadboard 1


RGB LED Circuit

Working Explanation

  • Connect the final circuit as shown in the above diagram and power it up using a 5v battery or wall adapter.
  • ESP module will boot up and the LED light will show a fade effect in all three colors at startup.
  • Then open your device WiFi in discovery mode and you will see a new WiFi access point, named RGB in the discovery list.
  • Connect that WiFi access point, Open any web browser on that device, and open IP address, that’s it, you will see a colorful RGB control screen to control your wireless RGB LED.


  • This project was mainly used for decorative purposes
  • It can also be used for Music Recatvie display in theatre
  • To set the different color themes in cinema and halls etc