Difference Between Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Difference Between Arduino and Raspberry Pi


What is Arduino?
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform that helps kids,non-embedded engineers, or anyonemake rapid hardware prototypes due to the concept of easy-to-use hardware and software.

  • Most of the Arduino boards come with an 8-bit Microcontroller.
  • 32k bytes of flash memory and 2k bytes of SRAM (Static Random Access Memory).
  • Input voltage required-7V-12V
  • Arduino uses C/C++ as a programming language
  • Digital l/0 pins-14
  • AnalogInput pins-6
  • Clock frequency-
  • Processor speed ranges from 8 MHz to 400 MHz. The average speed of most of the Arduinos is16 MHz.
  • Flash Memory- 32KB
  • It is limited to lDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Why was the Arduino created?

To make inexpensive and faster prototypes that interact with the environment using sensors andactuators.
Example: Home automation using Arduino. You don't need to analyze and completely understandassembly or microcontroller programming or microcontroller architecture otherwise you would haveto configure each and every register that you want to use. Just getting an idea about how things workfrom surface level is enough. For this Arduino provides different libraries. Example: Arduino providesUART or Serial library so you don't need to configure UART registers. Just import the library and writethe code, Arduino takes care of the backend stuff i.e. configuring registers.Other than this it also offers lots of other advantages likeOpen-source hardware and software: Open source makes it easy for experienced circuit designersand programmers to modify and improve current hardware and software.

arduino diagram

Advantages and Disadvantages of Arduino



  • Arduino's hardware and software are open-source, allowing customization of code and board.
  • It presents a cost advantage compared to Raspberry Pi, offering budget-friendly choice.
  • Its user-friendly nature enhances appeal, with easy learning and usage.
  • Programming Arduino through its Integrated Development Environment (lDE) isstraightforward.
  • Arduino benefits from a substantial community and offers versatile applications read more : Which Arduino Board to Buy


  • It possesses significantly lower processing capability in comparison to Raspberry Pi.
  • Arduino boards lack support for internet and wireless connectivity.
  • Utilizes an 8-bit CPU architecture
  • Arduino is limited in its ability to execute intricate tasks.

What is Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a low-cost, credit-card-sized computer (monitor, keyboard, and mouse whenconnected to the development board).

Why was Raspberry Pi created?

In 2006 in the UK Eben Upton(creator of Raspberry Pi) realized that there was a problem in UKeducation - computers were expensive. Since they were expensive young students didn't learncomputer science and rejected this path, Moreover, companies in the UK also lacked computerprofessionals.In order to solve these problems, Raspberry Pi was invented.

The main goal was to release computers for less price around S30 and make students interested incomputer science.

Features of Raspberry Pi:


  • Superior software implementation
  • 64-bit Quad-core processor
  • Large RAM (latest Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Board has up to 8G of RAM)
  • Processorspeed-700MHz-1.5GHz
  • Raspberry Pi has 40 input/output pins.
  • lt can be connected to the lnternet.
  • It can run all kinds of applications (including MS Office and Email).
  • It contains everything-CPU (Central Processing Unit), GPU (Graphics Processing Unit), Ethernet port, GPl0 (General-purpose Input/Output) pins, and power source connector.

Raspberry pi4

Advantages andDisadvantages of Raspberry p



  • Capable of executing intricate tasks like weather monitoring and robot control due to itsoperating system support.
  • Functioning as a portable computer, it encompasses essential components, including a CPU ,ethernet port,and WiFi capability.
  • Abundance of GPl0 pins (40 in the renowned Raspberry Pi model) accommodates numeroussensors.
  • Boasting enhanced processing power, the 4 B variant features a 1.6 GHz processor.
  • Versatility extends to running diverse applications, encompassing MS Office and email.

  • Raspberry Pi's hardware and software are proprietary, preventing customization of your ownRaspberry Pi single-board computer(SBC).
  • For internal storage, Raspberry Pi lacks native capacity, necessitating a micro SD card.
  • Under strenuous operations,instances of overheating may arise.