What is Back Drilling in PCB?
The design and production of PCBs present numerous problems, one of which is the retention of signal integrity . After transmitting a signal, the signal obtained is distorted from signal noise, quantization noise and other unwanted results. The incorporation of architecture and production practices restricts such effects and strengthens the integrity of the signal. Through stubs also decrease the integrity of motion, which can overcome with the back-drilling in PCB method.
To understand PCB back drilling correctly, we have to go through the different topics, which are very important to know the nature of back drilling in PCBs.
Back Drilling or Controlled Depth Drilling in PCB

High-speed PCBs pose many difficulties in maintaining the signal’s integrity, which can be addressed by good architecture and production processes. A transverse component, a non-functional part of a transmission, poses significant problems with signal integrity in high-speed architecture. Through stubs, signals from the stub end are reflected, and this reflection interferes with the initial signal. To offset this, Depth Control routing PCB is carried out where the majority of the through stub is eliminated by redrilling with a slightly bigger drill bit.
Drilling back means an opening with a diameter marginally more significant than the PTH to extract the conductive from a stub. The drilled rear hole should reduce the duration of the stub to 10 miles. If the stubs are more than 10 miles, then signal reflections are produced.
Back drilling in PCB Manufacturing
Holes plated (PTH) are acceptable. They link two or more layers electrically and act as valuable points of intersection for traces and parts on several co PCB. PTHs may also be used as installing trousers and are mechanically stable.
Yet PTHs have a dark wraith. Often you don’t need the way on board to operate the whole thickness. The leftover part of the PTH that does not represent the circuit is considered a stub. And it may become a significant cause of signal interference in high signal circuits.
If your PCB has a determinist jitter, strong bit rate (BER), attenuation of the signal and other EMI issues, PCB Milling Depth is the remedy you like. There we will discuss drilling, a convenient method to remove trouble stubs from PTHs.
Electrical Connectivity with Back Drilling
Through are thumbnails drilled into the PCB for electrical communication between the various layers of PCB. The specific thing shows how PCB back drill via interconnected circuit board layers and their meaning.
A back drill via stub is the component of a signal transmission that is not utilized. Stubs represent signals that trigger a range of signal integrity problems, particularly for high-speed signals, about which you can learn in and through stubs in this section.
Throughout-the-hole technology, including PCB-through-holes, was part of the PCB assembly from the 1970s to the 1980s. While technology is increasingly replaced by surface mounting technology , it is still in use today. Plate (PTH) may be plated or unplated through cracks (NPTH). Although PTH is a conducting direction from one end of the device to the other, NPTH is not always used to assemble PCBs and mount modules on the board.
Why is Back Drilling Needed?
Depth Control PCB is used to extract the wasted copper barrel section (stub) from a hollow (via) into a printed circuit board. As these troughs are reminded to a predetermined controlled level, a managed depth drilling is often called this drilling method. Ideally, the left stub could be fewer than 10 miles after drilling.
The measures to minimize signal reflections by stubs in the CDD were taken. In the stages below, you can see a board with a stub stretching over the signal line.
- Drilling back is performed with a slightly larger drill bit.
- Minimized stubby back drilling.
- Extracted via stub with back drilling
Example of Back Drilling
Let us assume that you have a passageway from layer 1 to layer 12 in a 12 layer stack up. However, the transmission is only intended for layer 1 to 3 signals. Thus, a through stub is formed after layer3 to layer 12, creating very high-frequency. repetition and reflections. The resonant frequency can attenuate the signals. Therefore, back drilling is carried out to strip layer 3 copper plating up to layer 12 to reduce the stub duration. The back drill PCB should be wider than the previous volume of the gap to remove the excess copper.
The width of the PCB back drill must be somewhat more extensive than the main drilling diameter. The height of the back pin (diameter) is usually 8 miles over the principal pin size, with a preferred length of 10 miles. Trace and plane authorizations must be sufficiently high to ensure that the back drilling is not inadvertently performed in traces and planes lateral to the backboard hole. Minimum clearances of 10 miles for airplane and traces (spacings) are preferable.
Production and Cost Outlook with Back Drilling
You may see that innovative construction methods may often be employed to reduce stub volume. These involve laser-drilled or blind and buried vias and alternate arrangements for stacking – where traces are moved closer to the end of the via stub. Back drilling for high-frequency boards (greater than 3GHz), as alternate techniques are used to minimize signal reflection, is also unnecessary.
However, these solutions are not often feasible from all production and costing points in several high-density PCBs and background/midplanes. In such a situation, the only way to eliminate the back drilling through stubbornness. Back drilling is needed for high-frequency boards (greater than 1GHz within 3GHz) when blind vias are not viable.
Duration of stub residual
Once you plan to go back to the drill, you have to decide how much stub duration remains. The decision is dependent on many interrelated aspects, including the optimal output of signal integrity and functional (cost-effective) production considerations and limitations. Increasing the amount of drilled vias and reducing the overall residual stub duration would usually raise PCB/backplane production costs.
PCB Design with Controlled Depth Drilling

Here are the steps needed to set up a back drilling as required;
- We choose the Ethernet portion in this demonstration, and we choose the RX segment in the Ethernet section. Until we start the navigation, we need to set up the back drill.
- Go to Design, then Stack Manager for Layer. Here, we would install a back drill.
- Tap on the Settings tab at the top right corner of the app to do this. Pick the feature named Back Drills from the drop-down chart.
- After that, click the Back Drill tab at the bottom left of the panel. If you press, the back drill alternative is seen. This is in which you can apply the various parameters of the back drill.
- You can add more back drillings by tapping on the plus key. The remove choice indicated by the bin symbol may also be used to delete back boxes you do not use.
Test the Back Drills
If the routing is completed, we have to verify whether the back drills have been configured correctly. Turn on all layers to confirm the same. You will note that the rim of the vias is seen in dual colors. The red color shows either the first layer or the start layer, while the blue color shows the last layer. The distinction between the back-drilled vias and the other vias can be easily seen. Just the back drilled vias appear in dual colors.
Pick the place chosen from the main menu and press Drill table to see how many Vias and PTH and other trolls have been performed.
Viewing Table of Back Drills
You may use the property choice and select the appropriate layer pair to choose and display vias as per their properties. This shows the number of drills 12, the hole size 30 mil, the type of embossed hole is NPTH and the drill hole’s resistance.
Advantages of Back Drilling
- The stubs cause a signal distortion problem called deterministic jitter. Jitter relates to timing errors induced by EMI, signal crosstalk, and noise-related signal propagation in the PCB. Deterministic flashing is a flashing that can be identified in the least and maximum variations.
- Bit Error Rate (BER) is the number of bit mistakes per unit time and depends heavily on deterministic jitter. Reducing the deterrent jitter by back-drilling would significantly reduce the total signal BER.
- Reduces signal attenuation due to improved impedance adjustment and ameliorates stub EMl/EMC radiation.
- Minimize frequency mode excitation.
- The via-to-via crosstalk was reduced.
Disadvantages of Back Drilling
There are various problems in high signals, which can be traced back to unused through stubs. Let’s look more closely at some of the stubs’ issues.
Jitter Deterministic:
Both clocks are timing, and the extent to which the time is off is called jitter. When the timing manipulation is regular (i.e., limited), it is called a deterrent jitter.
Attenuation of the signal:
If you attenuate a sound, the intensity reduces, which means that the pulse is weaker.
Radiation from EMI:
A via stub can be used as an antenna, radiating EMI.